
Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Bekal Pertanyaan interview Monbukagakusho

Mumpung sedang asyik-asyiknya menulis di blog, bair tidak lupa, dan terus termotivasi..saya coba tuangkan kembali pertanyaan-pertanyaan interview monbukagakusho yang mungkin akan ditanyakan sewaktu interview monbukagakusho...(shorui no screening ga mada go kakushitan dakedo...junbi wa junbi..)

Persiapan Wawancara
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang akan ditanyakan saat wawancara ada di forum Japan reference Jref Forum  (forum ini ada bagian mengenai beasiswa monbukagakusho, jadi para pelamar monbukagakusho dari berbagai Negara share di forum ini.
1. Brief introduction in Japanese / Present yourself.
2. Why do you want to study in Japan? / Why are you interested in Japan?
3. Why studying Japanese?
4. What do you know about Japanese Culture?
5. Why is your research important? / How will your project benefit to Japan, your country or to the world?
6. Why is it important for you to conduct your research in Japan? / Why did you choose Japan to study this topic? / Which Japanese schools you want to go to? / Why did you choose this professor?
7. Have you contacted any professors / universities?
8. Previous experience with Japan
9. Explain the research theme you submitted, why this theme? / What do you want to study? / Explain research proposal
10. Studying in Japan involves a lot of stress and pressure, do you feel you can handle it and how will you go about once there? / What kind of challenges might exist for you in Japan and how will you tackle them?
11. How you are going to improve the diplomatic/cultural/scientific relationship between Japan and your own country?
12. What do you intend to do after returning to your country / What’s your future plan?
13. What are you currently working at/ studying?
14. How are your current research/study related with your proposed research?
15. How did you come up with your research proposal? / Why are you interested in studying it?
16. What did you know about the city/ university choosen?
17. What do you know about the available associations, clubs, events that promote Japan in your country? have you joined any of them?
A completely different nuance of interview of what I had earlier on mid june. Although I've prepare all the above answers, and yet it's blown away when you face interviewer.
I'm having 30 minutes or so on that room answering most of them about my research proposal There are 4 of them, 2 Indonesian, one of them is my lecture that give me a recommendation to enter this scholarship. Before entering that room, I was praying that he'll be nice to me, but he is the expert of my contrastive research, so definitely he'll ask unexpected question.
The other Indonesian is from other famous university, she ask why I did not continue to proceed to doctoral since I've already had master degree and yet my research is linear with the previous one. But in the end she also said that, the research I wrote was not enough, and should make it deeper. (And yet my knowledge about research is not deeper enough to be a doctoral researcher I guess). Being a master candidate in Japan, is enough for me right now.
One of the Japanese is a new atase pendidikan in Indonesia, He ask a quite easily question, such as do intend to bring your family etc...
The other one just ask one question, she asked, what is the connection between my research and for me as a lecturer, what are the benefit of it.
Although I have prepare to presented my research, yet I did not have a single chance.
Now, let's hope that I would be able to pass first screening.
* satu lagi (cari alasan yang tepat, alasan keluarga akan dibawa untuk pergi ke jepang)

3 komentar:

  1. wah sangat membantu kak! saya selalu penasaran deh sama isi wawancaranya dan nemu juga :3 thankyou kak!
    tapi pernah saya cari tahu, katanya wawancaranya pakai bahasa indonesia, wah, mana yg bener nih kak? boleh infonya? terimakasih sebelumnya :)

  2. Jadi jawaban ter'bagus' untuk menjawab interview ini alasan keluarga?._. bukan niat untuk mendapatkan kuliah/beasiswa disana? mohon pencerahan. Dan nanti pas interview ada pertanyaan atau jawaban yg harus make bahasa jepang ga ya? Makasih :D

  3. @tiwie ZN
    Wawancaranya pakai bahasa Inggris biasanya, dan karena saya Pembelajar bahasa Jepang, jadi saya pakai bahasa Jepang juga. Yang jelas tidak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia secara full/dominan.

    Bukan itu maksudnya, tetapi ketika sudah berkeluarga, kita pasti akan ingin membawa keluarga kesana. Nah biasanya yang berkeluarga akan ditanya "suami/istri kerja apa? anak bagaimana? apakah akan dibawa ke Jepang?, dst..."
    Nah untuk pertanyaa2x diatas itu harus dipikirkan masak2x jawabannya. (Jika ingin memboyong mereka kesana).
    Kalau masih single sepertinya ga akan ditanya sih.
